Tuesday, January 18, 2011

SITE ANALYSIS..click here to view document..

Salam Sem05...

As we all know, tomorrow students will be doing their site analysis for project 3 which is PUO-school of architecture. The site has been given to the student which is located at golf course nearby our beloved Unit Senibina's current building. Therefore, before enter the site students need to know what to do when doing site analysis. What kind of information are crucial on site. These kind of information will surely help students in design process later on.

So here we prepared list of information needed in site analysis as a guideline for students when doing site analysis tomorrow. Luckily we have site just nearby our class so that if we miss the information, we can always come and do the analysis again. Remember to take as much as informative picture as you can. Don't just take a posing picture with nothing to tell except about your make-up, dresses, hair style, sun glasses and etc.

Good luck guys and have some fun...(while you can hehe)

1 comment:

  1. mano guane cite kate ade mende nak buie ning...
